中村 信男. Comparative study on legal solutions for possible risks to be incurred by the dual class share structure used by listed companies. Waseda Bulletin of Comparative Law. 2024. 42. 9-28
Experience in enacting Japan's independent insurance contract law
(成均館大学保険フォーラム「韓国保険契約法案」 2024)
EUにおけるMultiple Voting Rights Share Structure利用会社による株式上場の許容と多数出資少数派株主の保護
(日本EU学会第45回研究大会 2024)
Cash-out transactions and de facto dual class share structure under Japanese Companies Act and the appropriate legal protection of minority shareholders.
(韓国企業法学会・韓国商事判例学会 2024年夏季共同シンポジウム「企業価値向上のための会社法制の動向と課題」 2024)
Japanese Contract Law: The freedom of contract and the scope and limits of its effect.
(Diritto Privato Comparato Progredito 2024)
Appropriate Disclosure Regulation of Beneficial Owner in Listed Companies.