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Shizuka Tarukawa, Toshikazu Miura, Asako Suzuki, Manaka Koga, Masayasu Ito, Yasuhiko Kawai. Physical Properties and Reproducibility of Marketed Foods for Assessing Consecutive Masticatory and Deglutition Functions. International Journal of Oral-Medical Sciences. 2024. 22. 3. 97-104
Shizuka Tarukawa, Toshikazu Miura, Asako Suzuki, Manaka Koga, Masayasu Ito, Satoshi Horihata, Hiroshi Kawakami, Yasuhiko Kawai. Reproducibility and Validity of Masticatory Sounds in Assessing Consecutive Masticatory and Deglutition Functions. International Journal of Oral-Medical Sciences. 2024. 22. 3. 105-111
2017/06 - 公益社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会 平成28年度 公益社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会 学会優秀論文賞(第33号) A double blind randomized clinical trial comparing lingualized and fully bilateral balanced posterior occlusion for conventional complete dentures
2015/04 - Japan Prosthodontic Society 2015 biennial joint congress of JPS-CPS-KAP Best oral presentation award The simplified conventional complete dentures remains more cost-efficient after decade
2011/10 - Asian Academy of Prosthodontics Asian Academy of Prosthodontics, Oral Presentation Award & Hiranuma Award Comparing the Subjective Outcomes and the Occlusal Adjustment Time of Fully Bi-balanced and Lingualized Occlusion
所属学会 (6件):
, International college of Prosthodontics
, 日本補綴歯科学会
, 日本老年歯科医学会
, International Association of Dental Research
, 日本歯科医学教育学会