研究キーワード (6件):
, バイオイメージング
, 上丘・小脳連関
, Local change of circulation with neural activity
, Imaging of Neural Activity
, Functions of the Cerebellum and the Superior Colliculus
競争的資金等の研究課題 (10件):
2002 - 食欲についての研究:オレキシン(ヒポクレチン)の脳幹諸核への作用
2002 - A study of appetite: synaptic action of orexin (hypocretin) on neurons in the medulla.
Local Blood circulation change and fMR1
Local change of circulation with neural activity
Optical measurement of CNS neural activity
Functions of the cerebellum and the Superior Colliculus
Optical Signals from a rat brain slice stained with voltage-sensitive reflect field potentials of the neuronal activity
Slow synaptic responses and modulation 1999
The trigemino-olivo-cerebellar projection in the rat.
Neurobiology of Mastication-from Mdecular to System Approach 1999