J-GLOBAL ID:201001081669383915   更新日: 2022年12月27日

C マーハ ジョン

マーハ ジョン | C MAHER John
研究分野 (2件): 言語学 ,  地域研究
研究キーワード (13件): Politics of Names ,  Patronymics ,  NAMES: Toponymics ,  Mother Tongue ,  Semiotics ,  PHILOSOPHY of LANGUAGE: Freud ,  Languages of Japan ,  Multiculturalism ,  MULTILINGUALISM: Ideology ,  Language Death & Revival ,  SOCIOLINGUISTICS: Pidgins ,  多言語主義 ,  社会言語学
論文 (9件):
  • MAHER, John C. The Media, Multilingualism and Identities. Media, English and Communication. 2011. 50. 1. 19-26
  • MAHER, John C. Nicknames: Identity and Social Management. Educational Studies. 2011. 53. 3. 117-123
  • MAHER, John C. Multilingual Japan and the Borrowers of the Chuo Line. "Intercultural Communication Studies, XVII: 4". 2008. 115-127
  • MAHER, John C. Multilingual Japan and the Borrowers of the Chuo Line. Intercultural Communication Studies. 2008. XVII. 4. 115-124
  • MAHER, John C. Language of the Sanka: Japanese Gypsies. "Japan Studies: The Frontier,". 2008. 2008. 69-79.
MISC (1件):
  • MAHER, John C. Language Difficulty and Difficult Languages. Contemporary Issues in Language Education. 2008. 155-170
書籍 (1件):
  • Literacy in Multilingual Societies
    Tokyo: Sun Publishers 2012 ISBN:9784921013172
講演・口頭発表等 (15件):
  • "A Postmodern Theory of the Mother Tongue"
    (International Symposium on Native Speakerism, Saga University, Japan 2014)
  • "Multilingual Japan"
    (Symposium on Multicultural Kyosei. ICU, Tokyo, 2014)
  • "The Everyday Life of Japanese Place-names"
    (Oxford Brookes University, Oxford 2014)
  • “New Paradigms of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in Japan"
    (Birkbeck College, University of London 2014)
  • "Sociolinguistics and Toponomy"
    (Oriental Institute, University of Oxford 2014)
Works (1件):
  • Bilingual Children’s English Theatre
    2001 - 2003
学位 (8件):
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) (University of Edinburgh)
  • Master of Arts (M.A.) (University of Michigan)
  • Master of Theology (M.Th.) (University of London, Heythrop College)
  • Batchelor of Arts (BA Hons.) (University of London)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) (University of Edinburgh)
経歴 (22件):
  • 2013/04 - 現在 学習院大学 客員研究員
  • 2013/04 - 現在 学習院大学 客員研究員
  • 1989/04 - 現在 International Christian University Division of International Studies Assistant Professor of Linguistics
  • 1993 - 1995 De La Salle University, Manila Department of Language and Lingustics British Council Visiting Professor
  • 1993 - 1995 British Council Visiting Professor
所属学会 (3件):
日本言語学会 ,  社会言語科学会 ,  UNESCO Linguapax
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