Teppei Kato. The Man of Three Languages: Jerome's Indebtedness to Hebrews and his Contribution to Jewish Learning. Jewish Multilingualism in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages (working title), ed. Leonard V. Rutgers and Constanza Cordoni (Cultural Interactions in the Mediterranean; Leiden: Brill). 2025. forthcoming
Teppei Kato. Two or Three in the Bed? Jerome's Interpretation of Isaiah 28:20 Reflecting Jewish Traditions. Vulgata in Dialogue (Chur: Vulgata Verein). 2024. 8. 11-16
Teppei Kato. Plus or Minus? Origen, Epiphanius, Jerome, and Augustine on Critical Signs. Adamantius (Bologna: Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna). 2022. 28. 287-303
Teppei Kato. Review of Gunōshisu Kenkyū Shūi: Nagu Hamadi Bunsho kara Yonasu made (= Gleanings from Gnostic Studies: From the Nag Hammadi Codices to Jonas), written by Takashi Onuki. Journal for the Study of the New Testament (Sage Journals). 2025. 47. forthcoming