Jinha HIBINO, Shungo KOICHI, Takehiro FURUTA, Mihiro SASAKI. Cooperation and competition to design a point-to-point airline network under regulation for a new entry. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing. 2022. 16. 4. JAMDSM0044-JAMDSM0044
Aino OHNISHI, Shungo KOICHI, Atsuo SUZUKI. A MIP model to generate an optimal book relocation plan for improving the management of shelf occupancy - a case study at Nanzan University Library -. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing. 2022. 16. 4. JAMDSM0036-JAMDSM0036
Shungo Koichi, Hans Peter Lüthi. Exploring Machine Learning Tools for the Prediction of the Stability of New Togni-type Reagents. CHIMIA International Journal for Chemistry. 2019. 73. 12. 990-996