アレックス・デ=ヴート, 太田心平, ヨナス・J, W・ラング. "Work Ethic in a Japanese Museum Environment: A Case Study of the National Museum of Ethnology". 国立民族学博物館研究報告. 2018. 42. 4. 435-448
"The Laboratory for Anyone: South Korean (Anti-)Ethno-Nationalism on HellKorea.com”
(IUAES2019: World Solidarities (2019 Inter-Congress of International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences) 2019)
“일본 국립민족학박물관의 연구, 전시, 교육과 한국문화연구"
(『동아시아를 바라보는 두 인류학자의 시선』 2018)
“Escape from Hell Chosun: Young South Koreans’ Quest for Alternative Socialities”
(AAS Annual Conference 2018 2018)
"한국의 '헬 조선'과 일본의 내면지향: 상반되는 키워드로 읽는 양국 젊은이 문화 시론"
(동아시아일본학회・동북아시아문화학회・일본문예연구회 2017년 추계 연합국제학술대회 2017)
“Academic Hypothesis and Social Reliability: on the Dual Structure of the Korean Spiritual World”
(CASCA/IUAES2017: MO(U)VEMENT (a Joint Canadian Anthropology Society & International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences Conference/InterCongress) 2017)