2016 - 2016 Oscar Wilde Reappraised: Fiction and Plays (英文単著) 出版
2011 - 2014 ワイルド受容の系譜-日本と英語圏諸国との比較研究-
2008 - 2011 日本におけるワイルド劇の受容に関する比較文学・比較文化的研究
2007 - 2009 英国演劇におけるEnglishness(英国らしさ、英国的なるもの)の解剖
論文 (14件):
日高 真帆. A Study of Oscar Wilde and Adaptations of His Works. 京都大学. 2015. 1-324
日高 真帆. Portraits on the Human Body: Japanese Adaptations of Oscar Wilde by Junichiro Tanizaki. The Wildean: A Journal of Oscar Wilde Studies. 2015. 46. 72-87
日高 真帆. When Japanese Tradition Meets a Western ‘Wit and Dramatist’: Japanese Reception of Wilde’s Comedies in the Meiji Era. The Wildean: A Journal of Oscar Wilde Studies. 2014. 44. 83-89
Japanese Reception of Western Culture from Late Nineteenth-Century to Early Twentieth-Century
(KU Leuven 2019)
Languages of Salome: Wilde, Mishima and Beyond
(AILC/ICLA International Comparative Literature Association XXI Congress 2016 2016)
Theatre Education in English at Kyoto Women’s University’s Theatre Production Seminar
(第52回JACET(The Japan Association of College English Teachers)国際大会 2014)
Wilde Streams and Their Expansion in Japan
(国際ワイルド学会 ‘Wilde Days in Paris 2014’(Société Oscar Wilde) 2013)
Tracing the Roots and Routes of the Performative Reception of Oscar Wilde
(FIRT/IFTR International Federation for Theatre Research Annual Conference Barcelona 2013 2013)