Taku Banno, Harry Shirley, Yonatan I Fishman, Yale E Cohen. Changes in neural readout of response magnitude during auditory streaming do not correlate with behavioral choice in the auditory cortex. Cell reports. 2023. 42. 12. 113493-113493
Taku Banno, Jean-Hugues Lestang, Yale E Cohen. Computational and neurophysiological principles underlying auditory perceptual decisions. Current Opinion in Physiology. 2020. 18. 20-24
Tani T, Abe H, Hayami T, Banno T, Miyakawa N, Kitamura N, Mashiko H, Ichinohe N, Suzuki W. Sound Frequency Representation in the Auditory Cortex of the Common Marmoset Visualized Using Optical Intrinsic Signal Imaging. eNeuro. 2018. 5. 2
Neurocomputational Mechanisms Contributing to Auditory Perception. Acta Acustica united with Acustica. 2018. 104. 5. 870-873
Nobuyuki Kawai, Yasue Miyuki, Nakagami Akiko, Banno Taku, Ichinohe Noritaka. Marmosets with fetal exposure to valproic acid fail to recognize third-party non-reciprocal interactions. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY. 2016. 51. 258-258
Akiko Nakagami, Miyuki Yasue, Taku Banno, Keiko Nakagaki, Noritaka Ichinohe, Nobuyuki Kawai. A primate model for autism with common marmosets show behavioral deficits in the threemajor symptoms of autism. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY. 2016. 51. 1178-1178
安江 みゆき, 中神 明子, 坂野 拓, 中垣 慶子, 一戸 紀孝, 川合 伸幸. Marmoset models of autism did not discriminate reciprocal/non-reciprocal interactions between third-parties (ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎). 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報. 2016. 115. 471. 11-15
Tomoyuki Namima, Masaharu Yasuda, Taku Banno, Gouki Okazawa, Hidehiko Komatsu. Effects of luminance contrast on the color selective responses in macaque V4 and inferior temporal cortex. I-PERCEPTION. 2014. 5. 4. 215-215
Neural correlates of auditory stream segregation in the auditory pathways of macaque monkeys
(Advances and Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience (APAN) 2019)
Marmoset as a model for human speech perception and its sdisorder
(第7回日本マーモセット研究会大会 2018)
Neural mechanisms of vocal communication signal processing in the auditory cortex of common marmosets
(Ultrasonic Communication in Rodents 2014)
(第33回日本神経科学大会 2010)
学位 (1件):
博士(理学) (総合研究大学院大学)
受賞 (3件):
2016/12 - 電子情報通信学会ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎研究会 ヒューマンコミュニケーション賞 Marmoset models of autism did not discriminate reciprocal non-reciprocal interactions between third-parties
2014/03 - 国立精神・神経医療研究センター 神経研究所 The Most Promising Presentation賞 マーモセットは第三者の互恵性を評価する
2013/03 - 国立精神・神経医療研究センター 神経研究所 The Most Promising Presentation賞 バルプロ酸がマーモセットの音声発達に与える影響