徐 阿貴. 韓国における移住女性人権運動の生成と展開 : 多文化家族政策をめぐる政府への抵抗と交渉を中心に-Movement for migrant women's rights in Korea : Focusing on multicultural family policy between the state and civil society-特集 移民の統合/共生をめぐる理念・再考. 理論と動態 / 社会理論・動態研究所 編. 2020. 13. 32-51
Building a Sisterhood across Borders: Marriage Migrant Women's Human Rights Movement in Korea
(XX International Sociological Association (ISA) World Congress of Sociology 2023)
Gender and Race in Wartime Labor Mobilization in Chikuho Coal Mines
(AAS-in-Asia 2023 2023)