J-GLOBAL ID:201201045461334331   更新日: 2024年02月01日

林 ブライアン 優

Hayashi Masaru Brian
職名: 教授
ホームページURL (1件): https://sites.google.com/site/hayashiamericanstudies/
研究分野 (1件): ヨーロッパ史、アメリカ史
研究キーワード (18件): 日米関係史 ,  ロサンゼルス ,  戦略情報局 ,  米軍 ,  外交史 ,  アジア系アメリカ人 ,  日系アメリカ人 ,  日系アメリカ人収容所 ,  環太平洋 ,  ナショナリズム ,  宗教史 ,  アメリカ西部史 ,  人種 ,  エスニシティ ,  インテリジェンス ,  第二次世界大戦 ,  アメリカ移民史 ,  二十世紀アメリカ史
競争的資金等の研究課題 (4件):
  • 2013 - 2016 冷戦初期米軍と米議会のアジア認識実態の解明-安全保障・人種・国籍をめぐって
  • 2011 - 2013 アメリカ軍隊における「黄禍論」と人種差別
  • 2006 - 2010 国家と人種の壁を越えて:日米関係と活動家・学者・兵士の環太平洋ネットワーク
  • 2006 - 2007 人種の壁を越えて:アジア系アメリカ人と戦略事務局1942-1947
論文 (7件):
  • Brian Masaru HAYASHI. Kilsoo Haan, American Intelligence, and the Anticipated Japanese Invasion of California, 1931-1943. Pacific Historical Review. 2014
  • Brian Masaru Hayashi. Loyalty's Janus Face: The Office of Strategic Services and Asian Americans during Word War II. Doshisha American Studies V.48, 1-23. 2012
  • Brian Masaru Hayashi. From Race to Nation:The Institute of Pacific Relations, Asia Americans, and George Blakeslee, from 1908 to 1929. The Japanese Journal of American Studies. 2012
  • Brian Masaru Hayashi. Life at the Edge: One Historian’s Views of Cultural Politics on the Margins of American Society. Theory and Practice in American Studies: Cultural Politics in a Multiracial Society. 2007
  • Brian Masaru Hayashi. Widening the Lens: Internationalizing Our Understanding of the Japanese American Internment. Cultural Linguistics Research, Volume 17, Number 1 (August 2005): 7-28. 2005
MISC (4件):
  • Brian Masaru Hayashi. Centralizing Intelligence, Creating Hierarchies: The Office of Strategic Services, Asian Americans, and Race during World War II. アメリカ学会第48回年次大会. 2014
  • Hayashi Brian Masaru. The Yellow Peril that was Neither: American Intelligence Agencies, Kilsoo Haan, and the war with Japan, 1931-1942. Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association 2012 Meeting. 2012
  • Brian Hayashi. “Like a Chameleon: From ‘Japanese’ to ‘Americans’ (of Japanese Ancestry), 1957-1974”. American Historical Association in San Diego. 2011
  • Brian Masaru Hayashi. “From Race to Nation: The Evolution of the Institute of Pacific Relations, Asian Americans, and George Blakeslee, 1908-1929,”. Association for Asian American Studies in Honolulu. 2009
書籍 (3件):
  • New Wave: Studies on Japanese Americans in the 21st Century
    Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University 2004
  • Democratizing the Enemy: The Japanese American Internment
    Princeton University Press 2004
  • For the Sake of Our Japanese Brethren: Assimilation, Nationalism, and Protestantism among the Japanese of Los Angeles, 1895-1942
    Stanford Univ. Press 1995
講演・口頭発表等 (8件):
  • Why Race Matters (More Than Politics): The Contrasting Styles of Korean American Lobbyist Han Kil-Su and Oil Millionaire Edwin Pauley, 1931-1968
    (同志社アメリカ研究夏期セミナー(DASSS)2013 2013)
  • “Asian Americans in the American Spy Service in Asia”
    (Portland State University 2011)
  • “Exporting Democracy to East Asia?: Asian Americans and the Office of Strategic Services during World War II”
    (Portland State University 2011)
  • “To Be or Not to Be a Christian Patriot: Lessons Learned from Interned Japanese American Christians during World War II” and “Free Labor, Free Soil, Free Men?: Immigration Barriers and Protestant Immigrants during the Progressive Era”
    (Wheaton College 2008)
  • “Eggheads and Jocks: OSS field agents and social scientists in Asia during World War II”
    (Smithsonian Institution 2007)
学位 (1件):
  • Ph.D.歴史学 (UCLA)
受賞 (3件):
  • 2006 - Western History Association Robert G. Athearn Award
  • 1996 - the Association for Asian American Studies History Prize
  • 1995 - Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals, History Prize Kenneth Scott Latourette Prize
所属学会 (4件):
日本アメリカ学会 ,  Association for Asian American Studies(AAAs) ,  The Organization of American Historians(OAH) ,  American Historial Association(AHA)
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