Rajat Roy, Taku Togawa, Jaewoo Park, Hiroaki Ishii, Vik Naidoo. The price is "Heavy": How the haptic sensation of weight influences preference for partitioned versus combined pricing. Journal of Business Research. 2024. 182. 114797-114797
Taku Togawa, Hiroaki Ishii, Jaewoo Park, Rajat Roy. The Temperature of Newness: How Vision-Temperature Correspondence in Advertising Influences Newness Perception and Product Evaluation. Journal of Business Research. 2023. 160. 113801
Exploring consumer responses to sustainable luxury products made of leather alternatives
(Global Fashion Management Conference (the 12th conference) 2024)
How social exclusion hinders sustainable fashion consumption: Moderating role of interdependent self-construal
(Global Fashion Management Conference (the 12th conference) 2024)