Chieko Ichikawa. Women and Crowds in the Novels of Elizabeth Gaskell and Margaret Harkness. English Studies. 2023. 104. 8. 1381-1398
「世紀末のシスターフッドとMona Maclean, Medical Student」. 『英国小説研究』. 2023. 29. 89-108
Chieko Ichikawa. 'Jane Eyre's Daughters: The Feminist Mission of Mary Carpenter and Josephine Butler in India'. History of Feminism: Online Resources. 2016
Chieko Ichikawa. ‘A Body Politic of Women’s Own: Josephine Butler, Social Purity, and National Identity’. Victorian Review. 2015. 41. 1. 107-123
Chieko Ichikawa. 'Jane Eyre's Daughters: The Feminist Mission of Mary Carpenter and Josephine Butler in India'. Women's History Review. 2014. 23. 2. 220-238
書評 Michell J. Smith, Consuming Female Beauty: British Literature and Periodicals 1840-1914 (Edinburgh University Press, 2022). 『ヴィクトリア朝文化研究』. 2023. 21. 254-59
‘Silence and Resistance: Margaret Harkness’s Representations of Working-Class Women'
(NAVSA EVENT 2024, Seoul Hub , Yonsei University, Korea 2024)
'Margaret Harkness and the Slum in Manchester'
(Place in the Victorian Periodical Press, Research Society for Victorian Periodicals 2024 Annual Conference, University of Stirling 2024)
‘Elizabeth Gaskell’s Portraits of French Women: Female Networks and the Currents of Gossip’
(Currents in the Periodical Press, Research Society for Victorian Periodicals 2023 Annual Conference, Université Caen Normandie 2023)
2024/02 - The Research Society for Victorian Periodicals The Curran Fellowship ‘A Woman’s Corner’ in the Co-operative News: Finding a Female Network to Care and Share
, 日本ヴィクトリア朝文化研究学会
, ディケンズ・フェロウシップ日本支部
, イギリス女性史研究会
, North American Victorian Studies Association
, The Research Society for Victorian Periodical Studies