2010 - 2012 Food and Agriculture Organization at the United Nations (FAO)Advancing Methodologies for Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Assessment: Potentials for Food Insecurity Risk Insurance through Markets in Sub-Saharan and North Africa regions.
論文 (26件):
Amani Mohammed Atris, Masahiro Sugiyama, Yi Chun Chen, Ju Yiyi, Koichi Yamaura. Public perception of carbon dioxide removal in three Asian regions. Sustainability Science. 2024
Koichi Yamaura, Siyi Xu, Masahiro Sugiyama, Yiyi Ju. Public perceptions on net zero energy houses in Japan. Sustainability Science. 2024
Koichi Yamaura, Shin Sakaue. Analysis of Indirect Socioeconomic Impacts on East Asia by Recovering Fukushima Forest Watershed Quality. Japanese Journal of Agricultural Economics. 2021. 23. 131-136
Hanif Zainuri, Koichi Yamaura. New Farmers’ Incentives under the New Tangerine Farming Support: The Case of Tuban, Indonesia. 2021. 21. 1. 392-399
Yixing Zhang, Koichi Yamaura. Transcriptome Analysis of White-Rot Fungi in response to Lignocellulose or Lignocellulose-Derived Material using RNA Sequencing Technology. Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology. 2020. 11. 8. 355-368
Yamaura, K, H.H. Peterson. Radioactively Contaminated? Seafood Preferences among Japanese after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. 2021
Yamaura, K, H.H. Peterson. How Much Do Japanese Really Care about Food Origin? A Case of Beef Bowl Shop. 2019
Yamaura, K, H.H. Peterson. Do Japanese Accept Cultured Meat for Increasing Meat Demand?. 2018
講演・口頭発表等 (10件):
Impact of restrained buying behavior by intelligence awareness in the food system
(the 11th Asian Society of Agricultural Economists International Conference 2023)
Consumer Choice by Different Sources of Information
(the 20th Asia Pacific Conference 2022)
Public Perceptions and Willingness-To-Pay for Zero Energy Houses in Japan and Taiwan
(the 19th Asia Pacific Conference 2021)
Computable General Equilibrium Analyses of Global Economic Impacts and Agriculture: the Case of COVID-19
(2020年度日本農業経済学会大会 2021)
Japanese consumer preferences and ambiguity information
(the 18th Asia Pacific Conference 2020)
2007/11 - Gamma Sigma Delta: the Honor Society of Agriculture
所属学会 (6件):
Western Agricultural Economics Association
, Agriculture and Applied Economics Association
, 日本農業経済学会
, 日本経済学会
, 環境経済政策学会
, Western Economics Association International