Takeshi Hamano, Shinsuke Funaki, Ruth Phillips. The location of migrants’ political culture: A large-scale survey-based study of the Japanese community in contemporary Australia. Japanese Studies. 2023. 1-24
Takeshi Hamano, Yoshikazu Shiobara, Miho Kobayashi. Creating places of belongings through the maintenance of community language: Experiences of Japanese second-genenration youth and their parents in Australia. オーストラリア研究. 2023. 36. 17-36
Re-Japanising Japanese families in late modernity: a sociological analysis of problematisations of koseki, the Japanese family registration system
(Asia Pacific Conference 2024, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University 2024)
Ambiguities of post-divorce families: A challenge of co-parenting with support organisation in Japa
(The 18th Nordic Association for the Study of Contemporary Japanese Society Conference 2024)
Divorced families in Japan and the predicaments of co-parenting: Analyzing a national survey on separated parents during the revision of the Family Law.
(The 8th JSA-ASEAN Conference 2023 2023)
Emergence of culture through the local heritage: A case study of UNESCO’s world heritage site and its significance as a ‘boundary object’ in regional Japan
(2023 European Association of Japanese Studies Conference 2023)