Yoshihiko Shibayama, Hiroaki Kanouchi, Akira Fujii, Masanobu Nagano. A review of Kurozu, amber rice vinegar made in pottery jars. Functional Foods in Health and Disease. 2020. 10. 6. 254-254
Yoshihiko Shibayama. Effect of concentrated Kurozu, a traditional Japanese vinegar, on expression of hepatic miR-34a, -149-3p, and -181a-5p in high-fat diet-fed mice. Functional Foods in Health and Disease. 2020. 10. 1. 1-1
Yoshihiko Shibayama, Masanobu Nagano, Kazunori Hashiguchi, Akira Fujii, Ken Iseki. Supplementation of concentrated Kurozu, a Japanese black vinegar, reduces the onset of hepatic steatosis in mice fed with a high-fat diet. Functional Foods in Health and Disease. 2019. 9. 4. 276-276