Semhar Ghirmai, Haizhou Wu, Michael Axelsson, Takashi Matsuhira, Hiromi Sakai, Ingrid Undeland. Exploring how plasma- and muscle-related parameters affect trout hemolysis as a route to prevent hemoglobin-mediated lipid oxidation of fish muscle. Scientific Reports. 2022. 12. 1. 13446
Takashi Matsuhira, Hiromi Sakai. Artificial oxygen carriers, from nanometer- to micrometer-sized particles, made of hemoglobin composites substituting for red blood cells. Particuology. 2021. 64. 43-55
Takashi Matsuhira, Hiromi Sakai. Entropy-Driven Supramolecular Ring-Opening Polymerization of a Cyclic Hemoglobin Monomer for Constructing a Hemoglobin-PEG Alternating Polymer with Structural Regularity. Biomacromolecules. 2021. 22. 5. 1944-1954
2019/11/23 - Young Excellent Abstract Award of the 17th International Symposium on Blood Substitutes & Oxygen Therapeutics (XVII-ISBS-2019)
2019/03/04 - 平成30年度最優秀FD活動(教養教育)表彰
2018/12/04 - Best Oral Presentation Award of the International Symposium for Materials Scientists “Inspiration for Innovation by Interaction” (ISMS III)