Early diagnosis and prevention of colorectal cancer: present situation in Japan
(Scientific conference with international participation «Latest endoscopic technologies in coloproctology» 2022)
2019/11 - 日本消化器内視鏡学会 Best Review Article of the Year Endoscopic diagnosis of sessile serrated polyp: A systematic review. Digestive Endoscopy 2019; 31: 16-23
2006/11 - 6th Asian Pacific Digestive Week (APDW) Presidential Paper Award Diagnosis of early colorectal cancer using magnifying endoscopy
1993/06 - European Society of Gastorintestinal Endoscopy Best Poster Award. 2nd United European Gastoenterology Week (UEGW)
1991/09 - 6th World Congress in Ultrasound (WFUMB), Best Poster Award Diagnosis of small focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver by ultrasound angiography.