Ikumi Kataoka, Chieko Itaki, Tomisato Miura. Hypothetical Willingness to Share the Genetic Test Results among the Relatives of Individuals with HBOC: A Study on the Japanese Population. Advances in Breast Cancer Research. 2025. 14. 01. 16-28
Ikumi Kataoka, Mitsuyo Itoh, Mari Itoh, Tokiko Nakamura, Chieko Itaki, Tomisato Miura. [Analysis of Factors That Promote Awareness of Breast MRI Surveillance for Carriers of Hereditary Breast Cancer Risk Genes ( BRCA1/2)]. Nihon Hoshasen Gijutsu Gakkai zasshi. 2025. 81. 3
Toshihiko Shoji, Saeko Masumoto, Tomisato Miura, Yves Desjardins. Exploring the potential of apple (poly)phenols: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials on metabolic diseases prevention. Trends in Food Science and Technology. 2024. 147
山口 平, 多田羅 洋太, Nugraha Djatnika Eka, Ramadhani Dwi, 玉熊 佑紀, 佐藤 喜晃, 三浦 富智, 細田 正洋, 吉永 信治, Mukh Syaifudin, et al. ヒト血清タンパク質の酸化修飾に着目した慢性低線量放射線被ばく線量の検出(Detection of biological responses to low-dose radiation in humans). 日本放射線影響学会大会講演要旨集. 2022. 65回. 50-50
三浦 富智, 石庭 寛子, 山田 裕, 渡辺 嘉人. 東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故後に採取された野生動物試料、解析用ツール、取得データ保存の課題(Problems for storing and sharing wildlife samples collected after the FDNPP accident: Acquired data and analysis tools to improve collaborative efforts). 日本放射線影響学会大会講演要旨集. 2022. 65回. 56-56
時田 駿, 安中 健人, 中山 亮, 藤嶋 洋平, Valerie Goh Swee Ting, 中田 章史, 福本 学, 三浦 富智, 山城 秀昭. 被災アカネズミ精巣における生殖細胞系列特異的放射線高感受性バイオマーカーの網羅的解析(Comprehensive exploration for germline-specific radiosensitive biomarkers in the testis of large Japanese field mice(Apodemus speciosus) after the Fukushima accident). 日本放射線影響学会大会講演要旨集. 2022. 65回. 76-76
Activities of Hirosaki University on Biodosimetry in 2022-2023
(2023 Annual meeting of Asian Radiation Dosimetry Group (ARADOS) 2023)
I-131 treatment induces dicentric chromosomes in peripheral blood lymphocytes obtained from Graves' disease patients
(The 66th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Radiation Research Society)
An efficient and simple method for enriching metaphase cells for dicentric chromosome assay
(International Symposium on Natural and Artificial Radiation Exposures and Radiological Protection Studies (NARE 2023))
Dose evaluation of the NPP workers during Fukushima accident response
(The 17th WHO REMPAN meeting 2023)