J-GLOBAL ID:201401047344564226
更新日: 2023年07月12日
三嶋 理晃
Mishima Michiaki
京都大学 について
論文 (264件):
Daisuke Kinose, Emiko Ogawa, Megumi Kudo, Satoshi Marumo, Hirofumi Kiyokawa, Yuma Hoshino, Toyohiro Hirai, Kazuo Chin, Shigeo Muro, Michiaki Mishima. Association of COPD exacerbation frequency with gene expression of pattern recognition receptors in inflammatory cells in induced sputum. CLINICAL RESPIRATORY JOURNAL. 2016. 10. 1. 11-21
Tsuyoshi Oguma, Toyohiro Hirai, Motonari Fukui, Naoya Tanabe, Satoshi Marumo, Hajime Nakamura, Hisao Ito, Susumu Sato, Akio Niimi, Isao Ito, et al. Longitudinal shape irregularity of airway lumen assessed by CT in patients with bronchial asthma and COPD. THORAX. 2015. 70. 8. 719-724
Koichi Hasegawa, Susumu Sato, Kazuya Tanimura, Yoshinori Fuseya, Kiyoshi Uemasu, Atsuyasu Sato, Toyohiro Hirai, Michiaki Mishima, Shigeo Muro. Emphysema and airway disease affect within-breath changes in respiratory resistance in COPD patients. RESPIROLOGY. 2015. 20. 5. 775-781
Tachikawa R, Koyasu S, Matsumoto T, Hamada S, Azuma M, Murase K, Tanizawa K, Inouchi M, Oga T, Mishima M, et al. Obstructive sleep apnea and abdominal aortic calcification: Is there an association independent of comorbid risk factors?. Atherosclerosis. 2015. 241. 1. 6-11
Masanori Azuma, Yuichi Chihara, Chikara Yoshimura, Kimihiko Murase, Satoshi Hamada, Ryo Tachikawa, Takeshi Matsumoto, Morito Inouchi, Kiminobu Tanizawa, Tomohiro Handa, et al. Association Between Endothelial Function (Assessed on Reactive Hyperemia Peripheral Arterial Tonometry) and Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Visceral Fat Accumulation, and Serum Adiponectin. CIRCULATION JOURNAL. 2015. 79. 6. 1381-+
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