J-GLOBAL ID:201401074152112841   更新日: 2024年06月16日

ハリス ジャスティン

ハリス ジャスティン | Justin Harris
研究分野 (2件): 英語学 ,  教育学
研究キーワード (3件): Education ,  Intercultural Studies ,  Second Language Acquisition
競争的資金等の研究課題 (3件):
  • 2020 - 2023 TBLT and PPP approaches to reading in a foreign language: An eye tracking study.
  • 2019 - 2022 Motivational change during university and its impact on growth in English proficiency
  • 2017 - 2020 The comparative effectiveness of TBLT and PPP approaches to language teaching
論文 (24件):
  • Justin Harris, Patrick Strefford. English medium instruction learners’ self-efficacy, engagement, and satisfaction; developing a measurement instrument. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. 2024
  • Paul Leeming, Justin Harris. The language learning orientations scale and language learners’ motivation in Japan: A partial replication study. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics. 2024. 3. 1. 100096-100096
  • Justin Harris. The native speaker model and language learners: developing a measurement instrument. Asian Englishes. 2024. 1-18
  • Paul Leeming, Justin Harris. Self-Determination theory and tasks. TASK. Journal on Task-Based Language Teaching and Learning. 2023. 2. 2. 164-183
  • Paul Leeming, Justin Harris. Measuring speaking proficiency growth in the language classroom: An investigation of practical approaches for teachers. Language Teaching Research. 2022
MISC (1件):
  • Harris Justin, Moser Jason. Designing a task-based teacher training course for in-service elementary school teachers(The Application of Contemporary Language Theories to Higher English Education: Focusing on the Importance of Content-based and Context-based Approaches) :. JACET全国大会要綱. 2012. 51. 72-72
書籍 (9件):
  • Links: A communication course with extensive reading
    XReading 2023 ISBN:9781960121219
  • Talking Point 2
  • Talking Point 1
  • The Accuracy of Teacher Predictions of Student Language Use in Tasks in a Japanese University
    Multilingual Matters 2020
  • Talking Point: Perfecting your presentations
    Abax 2020
講演・口頭発表等 (39件):
  • The Development of Language Learner Motivation in Japan: A self-determination theory perspective
    (University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand 2024)
  • Designing engaging tasks for EFL learners
    (関西大学 2024)
  • The Development of Language Learner Motivation in Japan: A self-determination theory perspective
    (58th RELC International Conference, Singapore 2024)
  • Language learner motivation and materials design: Tried and tested examples from the real world
    (全国語学教育学会群馬支部 2024)
  • What Students Have to Say about EMI Courses in Japan and What it Means for Engagement and Self-efficacy
    (2024 JALT Hokkaido Winter Language Teaching Conference, Sapporo 2024)
学位 (2件):
  • 修士号 (応用言語学)
  • 博士号 (応用言語学) (グリフィス大学)
所属学会 (2件):
社団法人大学英語教育学会 ,  全国語学教育学会
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