- 2005/11/01 - 2006/08/31 Consultant to the Culture Sector, Regional Office of UNESCO in New Delhi
- 2006/03/23 - 2006/06/05 Consultant to UNESCO, Islamabad for undertaking Conservation Assessment of Museums in Peshawar and Swat, Pakistan
- 2005/07 - 2005/08 Visiting Faculty for Norwegian University of Science and Technology for the Studio Project in Urban Ecological Planning for the Traditional Buddhist Settlement of Gyantse, Tibet
- 2004/03 - 2005/06 Technical Advisor and Principle Instructor, Teamwork for Integrated Emergency Management, Museum Education Programme (MEP) Education Initiative by Getty, ICCROM and ICOM
- 2004/11/01 - 2005/01/31 Visiting Professor, Research Center for Disaster Mitigation of Urban Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
- 2003/03/01 - 2004/10 Project Coordinator for formulating Cultural Resource Management Plan for the World Heritage Site of Hampi in Karnataka state, India
- 2004/03/16 - 2004/03/20 Consultant to ICCROM for Coordinating the Training Course on “Risk Preparedness for Cultural Heritage”
- 2003 - 2004 Visiting Faculty, Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh in the subjects of ‘Restoration and Preservation of Monuments
- 2004/01 - Team Member for Risk Preparedness Component in the World Heritage Nomination Dossier Project for the Living Cultural Landscape of Majuli Island, Assam, India
- 2003/09 - 2003/12 Visiting Faculty, Intensive Continuing Education Course in ``Urban Ecological Planning``
- 2003/08 - Visiting Faculty, Department of Architectural Conservation, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi
- 2003/01/06 - 2003/04/12 Consultant to International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of the Cultural Property (ICCROM) in Rome
- 2002/10/01 - 2002/12/31 Visiting Fellow at International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of the Cultural Property (ICCROM) in Rome
- 2000 - 2001 Co-supervisor for Thesis Projects of students of International Masters Degree Course in Urban Ecological Planning for Sessions
- 2001 - Member, International Inter-disciplinary Post-Earthquake Reconnaissance Team to Gujarat, India
- 1999 - 2000 Teacher Assistant, Department of Town and Regional Planning, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- 1999 - 2000 Visiting Faculty, M.Arch., Department of Architectural Conservation, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi,
- 1996/02 - 1998/03 Research Associate, Department of Architectural Conservation, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, India
- 1998 - Member of Conservation team, for the project ‘Conservation and Sustainable Development of Khajuraho World Heritage Region' for INTACH (Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage)
- 立命館大学 衣笠総合研究機構歴史都市防災研究所 教授