Yuichiro Hoshi, Yasuhiro Wakabayashi. An upper bound on the generic degree of the generalized Verschiebung for rank two stable bundles. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 2024. 228. 6. 107605-107605
Yuichiro Hoshi. On intrinsic Hodge-Tate-ness of Galois representations of dimension two. Kodai Mathematical Journal. 2024. 47. 1
Yuichiro Hoshi, Yu Iijima. Galois-theoretic characterization of geometric isomorphism classes of quasi-monodromically full hyperbolic curves with small numerical invariants. Journal of Algebra. 2023. 634. 480-511
Yuichiro Hoshi, Shota Tsujimura. On the injectivity of the homomorphisms from the automorphism groups of fields to the outer automorphism groups of the absolute Galois groups. Research in Number Theory. 2023. 9. 2
Yuichiro Hoshi, Arata Minamide, Shinichi Mochizuki. Group-theoreticity of numerical invariants and distinguished subgroups of configuration space groups. Kodai Mathematical Journal. 2022. 45. 3