2019 - 2023 Managing Mass Death and Grief in Disaster Communities: Lessons Learned from Japan, Indonesia and France
2018 - 2021 Materializing and Narrating Collective Memories of Calamities and Education for Disaster Reduction
2017 - 2020 Indigenous knowledge and disaster risk reduction: Revitalizing local agriculture and fishing industry in tsunami-hit areas
2017 - 2020 東日本大震災アーカイブから自然災害アーカイブへの転換に関する研究
2012 - 2015 東日本大震災後の復興における「死」を巡るポリティックス:記憶、宗教と国家
論文 (22件):
Alfi Rahman, Muzayin Nazaruddin, Sébastien Penmellen Boret, Yuva Ayuning Anjar, Rizanna Rosemary, Rosaria Indah, Syahrul Ridha, Siti Ghaisani Masturah. Memory, Meaning, and Monuments: An Ethnographic Study of Tsunami Memorialization in Aceh. E3S Web of Conferences. 2023. 447
Boret, Sebastien Penmellen, Julia Gerster. 日本における防潮堤の社会的側面. 余波を想像する:災害後の環境脆弱性と公的意思決定. 2023
Penpichaya Lertsakornsiri, Passarawan Sritanawatkul, Alfan Kurnia Yudha, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, Anawat Suppasri, Miwako Kitamura, Haruka Tsukuda, Sebastien P. Boret, Yasuaki Onoda, et al. Factors affecting worriedness: A study of the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2022. 82. 103322-103322
Julia Gerster, Sebastien Penmellen Boret, Ryo Morimoto, Andrew Gordon, Akihiro Shibayama. The potential of disaster digital archives in disaster education: The case of the Japan disasters digital archive (JDA) and its geo-location functions. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2022. 77. 103085-103085
Anawat Suppasri, Miwako Kitamura, Haruka Tsukuda, Sebastien P. Boret, Gianluca Pescaroli, Yasuaki Onoda, Fumihiko Imamura, David Alexander, Natt Leelawat, Syamsidik. Perceptions of the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan with respect to cultural, information, disaster and social issues. Progress in Disaster Science. 2021. 10. 100158-100158
Sébastien Penmellen Boret, Susan Orpett Long, Sergei Kan. Death in the early twenty-first century: Authority, innovation, and mortuary rites. Death in the Early Twenty-First Century: Authority, Innovation, and Mortuary Rites. 2017. 1-295
Disaster Archives and Sustainable Development: The Case of the Great East Japan Earthquake
(1stAceh Global Conference, Syiah Kuala University 2018)
Supporting Recovery through Managing Bodies and Grief in Emergencies
(World Bosai Forum 2017)
Shakai jinrui-gaku ni okeru saigai-ji no `shi no manejimento' ("Management of death" in disasters - a view from social anthropology)
(Friday Forum, International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University 2017)
Supporting Recovery through Managing Bodies and Grief in Emergencies
(International Conference for Information System for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), France 2017)
Archiving and Memorializing Disasters: Their Roles and their Flows in Reducing Risk and Disasters
(Society for Applied Anthropology Conference, Santa Fe 2017)
Japan Anthropology Workshop (JAWS)
, Society of Applied Anthropology (SfAA)
, American Association of Anthropology
, Association of Social Anthropologists (UK)
, European Association of Social Anthropologists
, 日本文化人類学会