Ryota Nishino. Pacific War Battle Sites through the Eyes of Japanese Travel Writers: Vicarious Consumer Travel and Emotional Performance in Travelogues. History and Memory. 2020. 32. 2. 146-175
西野亮太. 旅する記憶:太平洋諸島への旅行、戦争、観光. 山形国際ドキュメンタリー映画祭2019、AM/NES I A :オセアニアの忘れられた『群島』. 2019. 42-43
西野亮太. Japanese Studies Down Under : History, Politics, Literature and Art. 南太平洋から見る日本研究 : 歴史、政治、文学、芸術. 2018. 171-180
White-washing and Brain-washing: A Comparative Study of the Narrative Strategies and Descriptions of the Russo-Japanese War in Japanese and Russian History Textbooks, ca. 1997-2010. 2011. 157-164
Fear and Intrigue on Southern Islands: Mizuki Shigeru's Ocean Monster and its Anime Renditions 1987 and 1996
(「島国・日本」再考:移り変わる姿、意識、心象 2024)
Making Waves in “the Japanese Lake”: Journalists’ Impressions of Korean Ports and Manchuria, and Niigata, 1930-1941
(The 24th AAS-in-Asia conference, Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2024)