Mao Kuroda, Atsuhiko Isobe, Keiichi Uchida, Tadashi Tokai, Toshihide Kitakado, Miho Yoshitake, Yoshinori Miyamoto, Tohru Mukai, Keiri Imai, Kenichi Shimizu, et al. Abundance and potential sources of floating polystyrene foam macro- and microplastics around Japan. Science of The Total Environment. 2024. 925. 171421-171421
Haruka Nakano, María Belén Alfonso, Suppakan Jandang, Keiri Imai, Hisayuki Arakawa. Microplastic pollution indexes in the coastal and open ocean areas around Japan. Regional Studies in Marine Science. 2024. 69
Keiichi Uchida, Ryuichi Hagita, Tohru Mukai, Keiri Imai, Kenichi Shimizu, Mitsuharu Yagi, Yuichi Yamanaka, Takahisa Mituhasi, Atsuhiko Isobe, Mao Kuroda. Standardization and database development of marine plastic survey in the offshore areas around Japan. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi (Japanese Edition). 2023. 89. 5. 394-397
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Atsuhiko Isobe, Takafumi Azuma, Muhammad Reza Cordova, Andrés Cózar, Francois Galgani, Ryuichi Hagita, La Daana Kanhai, Keiri Imai, Shinsuke Iwasaki, Shin’ichro Kako, et al. A multilevel dataset of microplastic abundance in the world’s upper ocean and the Laurentian Great Lakes. Microplastics and Nanoplastics. 2021. 1. 1