Ashay A. Burungale, Shinichi Kobayashi, Kazuto Ota, Seidai Yasuda. Kato's epsilon conjecture for anticyclotomic CM deformations at inert primes. Journal of Number Theory. 2024
Ashay Burungale, Shinichi Kobayashi, Kazuto Ota. On the Tate-Shafarevich groups of CM elliptic curves over anticyclotomic Z_p-extensions at inert primes. The proceedings volume for Massimo Bertolini's 60th birthday. 2024. to appear
Ashay A. Burungale, Shinichi Kobayashi, Kazuto Ota. p-ADIC L-FUNCTIONS AND RATIONAL POINTS ON CM ELLIPTIC CURVES AT INERT PRIMES. Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu. 2023. 1-44
Chan-Ho Kim, Kazuto Ota. On the quantitative variation of congruence ideals and integral periods of modular forms. Research in the Mathematical Sciences. 2023. 10. 2
Kazuto Ota. On the rank-part of the Mazur-Tate refined conjecture for higher weight modular forms. Annales de l'Institut Fourier. 2023. 73. 3. 1319-1364