Yoshihiro Nagai, Shigehiko Uchino, Ken Tonai, Shinshu Katayama. “Tracheal ballooning” during positive-pressure ventilation in a patient with status asthmaticus and acquired tracheomegaly. Intensive Care Medicine. 2025
Atsuko Shono, Ken Tonai, Shinshu Katayama, Masamitsu Sanui. Vigorous Diaphragm Movement Captured by Four-Dimensional Computed Tomography in Quadriplegia Patient. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 2024. 211. 3. 410-411
Shunsuke Yawata, Seiya Nishiyama, Shohei Ono, Shinshu Katayama, Junji Shiotsuka. Assessing the impact of additional clinical variables on SOFA score predictive accuracy: a retrospective cohort study. Anaesthesia. 2024. 80. 1. 112-114
Gaku Okamura, Seiya Nishiyama, Shohei Ono, Shinshu Katayama. No ventilation, no ARDS: insights from four-dimensional computed tomography as dynamic imaging. Intensive care medicine. 2024. 50. 11. 1923-1924