Takumi Shinkai, Shuhei Takizawa, Osamu Enishi, Koji Higuchi, Hideyuki Ohmori, Makoto Mitsumori. Characteristics of rumen microbiota and Prevotella isolates found in high propionate and low methane-producing dairy cows. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2024. 15
Chisato Su, Takumi Shinkai, Nodoka Miyazawa, Makoto Mitsumori, Osamu Enishi, Kyo Nagashima, Satoshi Koike, Yasuo Kobayashi. Microbial community structure of the bovine rumen as affected by feeding cashew nut shell liquid, a methane-inhibiting and propionate-enhancing agent. Animal science journal = Nihon chikusan Gakkaiho. 2021. 92. 1. e13503