Yuki Shimizu, Takashi Kawasaki, Tomonori Deguchi. Gfap transgenic medaka as a novel reporter line for neural stem cells. Gene. 2022. 820. 146213-146213
Yuki Shimizu, Takashi Kawasaki. Stab Wound Injury Model of the Adult Optic Tectum using Zebrafish and Medaka for the Comparative Analysis of Regenerative Capacity. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE. 2022. 180
Takashi Kawasaki, Yuki Shimizu. Carcinogenesis Models Using Small Fish. Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin. 2021. 69. 10. 962-969
Yuki Shimizu, Takashi Kawasaki. Histone acetyltransferase EP300 regulates the proliferation and differentiation of neural stem cells during adult neurogenesis and regenerative neurogenesis in the zebrafish optic tectum. Neuroscience Letters. 2021
Yuki Shimizu, Takashi Kawasaki. Differential Regenerative Capacity of the Optic Tectum of Adult Medaka and Zebrafish. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology. 2021. 9. 686755-686755