大塚 修. The Hazaraspid Dynasty’s Legendary Kayanid Ancestry: the Flowering of Persian Literature under the Patronage of Local Rulers in the Late Il-khanid Period. Journal of Persianate Studies. 2019. 12. 2. 181-205
Osamu OTSUKA. Qāshānī, the First World Historian: Research on His Uninvestigated Persian General History, Zubdat al-Tawārīkh. Studia Iranica. 2018. 47. 1. 119-149
The Dedication of a Universal History to Various Patrons: A Case Study of the Ilkhanid Historian Shabānkāraʾī
(German-Japanese Bilateral Conference: Textual Transmission in the Islamic Manuscript Age: On the Variance, Reception, and Usage of Arabic and Persian Works from the Middle East to the Indian Subcontinent 2024)
(モンゴル帝国史研究の現在と課題 2024)
The Development of 'History of the Prophets' in Islamic Universal History Works
(The Global Mediterranean Workshop: Prophets, History and Literature in the Islamicate World 2024)