Daichi Morimoto, Erik Walinda. A fast and simple automated multi-step protein purification method for ÄKTA go systems. Protein Expression and Purification. 2024. 223. 106560-106560
Tomoki Sorada, Erik Walinda, Daichi Morimoto. Cyclization of ubiquitin chains reinforces their recognition by ZNF216. FEBS Letters. 2024
Yukiko Takeda, Masahiro Ueki, Junpei Matsuhiro, Erik Walinda, Takayuki Tanaka, Masafumi Yamada, Hiroaki Fujita, Shunichiro Takezaki, Ichiro Kobayashi, Sakura Tamaki, et al. A de novo dominant-negative variant is associated with OTULIN-related autoinflammatory syndrome. The Journal of experimental medicine. 2024. 221. 6
Tomoki Sorada, Erik Walinda, Masahiro Shirakawa, Kenji Sugase, Daichi Morimoto. An integrated approach of NMR experiments and MD simulations visualizes structural dynamics of a cyclic multi-domain protein. Protein Science. 2023
Yusuke Shuto, Erik Walinda, Daichi Morimoto, Kenji Sugase. Conformational Fluctuations and Induced Orientation of a Protein, Its Solvation Shell, and Bulk Water in Weak Non-Unfolding External Electric Fields. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2023
森本大智, WALINDA Erik, 菅瀬謙治, 深田はるみ, 曽友深, 蔭山俊, 蔭山俊, 星野大, 藤井高志, 土屋光, et al. ユビキチン化に伴うタンパク質構造不安定化. Abstracts. Annual Meeting of the NMR Society of Japan. 2014. 53rd
書籍 (1件):
Experimental Approaches of NMR Spectroscopy
Springer 2018