Xiaojing Liu, Pingguang Xu, Ayumi Shiro, Shuoyuan Zhang, Takahisa Shobu, Eitaro Yukutake, Koichi Akita, Emil Zolotoyabko, Klaus-Dieter Liss. Heat-induced structural changes in magnesium alloys AZ91 and AZ31 investigated by in situ synchrotron high-energy X-ray diffraction. Journal of Materials Science. 2022. 57. 46. 21446-21459
Shigetaka Okano, Akihiro Tsuji, Shuoyuan Zhang, Tadafumi Hashimoto, Takahisa Shoubu, Masahito Mochizuki. Accuracy validation of measurement of transient thermal stress at steel welds by synchrotron x-ray diffraction techniques. Zairyo/Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan. 2019. 68. 4. 325-331
Koji Kiriyama, Shuoyuan Zhang, Hirotoshi Hayashida, Jun ichi Suzuki, Toshihiko Kuwabara. Development of a biaxial tensile testing machine for pulsed neutron experiments. MethodsX. 2019. 6. 2166-2175
Hirotaka Sato, Yoshinori Shiota, Satoshi Morooka, Yoshikazu Todaka, Nozomu Adachi, Sunao Sadamatsu, Kenichi Oikawa, Masahide Harada, Shuoyuan Zhang, Yuhua Su, et al. Inverse pole figure mapping of bulk crystalline grains in a polycrystalline steel plate by pulsed neutron Bragg-dip transmission imaging. JOURNAL OF APPLIED CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. 2017. 50. 1601-1610
In-situ Studies with Photons, Neutrons and Electrons Scattering II
Springer 2014
講演・口頭発表等 (7件):
In-situ stress measurement in the heat affected zone during TIG welding process
(7th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation (MECA SENS 2013) 2013)
In-situ observation of microstress and solid state transformation in low temperature transformation weld metal by synchrotron radiation X-rays
(The International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation (Visual-JW2012) 2012)
Development of Stress Measurement Method Using Two Dimensional Detector Scanning System
(9th International Conference on Residual Stresses (ICRS9) 2012)