Keisuke Mori, Shinnosuke Takahashi. Forword to the Special Issue: Reexamining the Conditions of "Okinawa". Social Theory and Dynamics: Special Issue. 2025. 6. 1-13
Keisuke Mori. Base towns: Local contestation of the US military in Korea and Japan. By Claudia JunghyunKim, New York: Oxford University Press. 2023. pp. 228. £58.00 (hardback). ISBN:978-019-76-6527-5. Japanese Journal of Sociology. 2025. 2015
Keisuke Mori. Resilience of the Community against Environmental Pollution: The Knowledge Production Process of Local Activism on PFAS Contamination on the US Military Bases in Okinawa. Okinawan Journal of Island Studies. 2022. 3. 2. 159-175
Keisuke Mori. A Review of Kyōdō no Chikara [Power of the Commons : 1970-80s Kin Bay Struggle and Its Philosophy of Survival]. Okinawan Journal of Island Studies. 2021. 2. 117-122
The Turn towards Digital Activism of the Anti-U.S. Movements on the Periphery: Frame Contests of A Social Movement with Geographically Remote External Actors