J-GLOBAL ID:201701003121631008
更新日: 2024年01月30日 Tang Cheng-Tao
Tang Cheng-Tao
所属機関・部署: 研究キーワード (3件):
Organizational Economics
, Labor Economics
, Development Economics
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件): - 2018 - 2023 新たな視点からの産業組織論分析:「ヒト」に光をあてる
論文 (8件): -
Cheng-Tao Tang, Chun Yee Wong, Orelie Bathan Delas Alas. Effect of intergovernmental transfers on income and poverty rates: Evidence from the Philippines. World Development. 2024. 173. 106420-106420
Saibal Saha Sunny, Cheng-Tao Tang. Regulator-initiated corporate debt restructuring: Evidence from Bangladesh. IIMB Management Review. 2022. 34. 2. 153-167
Nghia Thi Thu Nguyen, Cheng-Tao Tang, Chun Yee Wong. The Impacts of Social Enterprises on Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Vietnam. Sustainability. 2021. 13. 19. 10864-10864
Marivic Delos Santos Mamaradlo, Cheng-Tao Tang, Chun Yee Wong. Grant Effects on Public Finance for Local Governments with Self-selection Behavior. Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics. 2021. 62. 33-58
人的資本の企業特殊性:その内生的決定プロセス. 経済研究. 2019. 70. 312-330
もっと見る 学歴 (1件): - 2013 - 2016 The University of New South Wales Ph.D. in Economics
学位 (1件): - Ph.D. (The University of New South Wales)
経歴 (1件): - 2017/01 - 現在 International university of japan Assistant Professor