Makiko Hashinaga, Aika Ishibashi. Socially responsible behaviour: Who supports societal crowdfunding among Chinese and Japanese university students?. Sapporo Gakuin University Review of Business Administration, Research Institute of Sapporo Gakuin University. 2023. 17. 37-51
Makiko Hashinaga, Patrick Schenk, Aika Ishibashi, Jörg Rössel. Socially responsible crowdfunding across the globe: A comparative analysis of Swiss, Japanese, and Chinese university students. Technology in Society. 2023. 73. 102247-102247
Makiko Hashinaga. Factors that support societal crowdfunding: Analysis from a Japan-Swiss perspective. Sapporo Gakuin University Review of Business Administration, Research Institute of Sapporo Gakuin University. 2022. 16. 19-34
橋長真紀子, 萱野智篤, Jo Williamson. 人をエシカル消費へ向かわせるものは何か?-日英国際分析の視点から-. 札幌学院大学経営論集, 札幌学院大学総合研究所. 2022. 16. 1-17
Pleasure or Virtue? Conceptions of Wellbeing and Ethical Consumption
(16th European Sociological Association Conference, Porto, Portugal 2024)
Is Ethical Consumption Related to Eudaimonic or Hedonic Wellbeing? Analysis from a Switzerland-Japan Perspective
(The 11th European Conference on Positive Psychology, Innsbruck, Austria 2024)
Fair Trade University in Japan
(The 16th International Fair Trade Towns Conference 2023, Glarusnord, Switzerland 2023)
Motivational Underpinnings that Support Socially Responsible Crowdfunding: Analysis from a Switzerland-China-Japan Perspective
(The 14th Biennial Conference of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association 2023)