Yuya Matsumoto. On μ_n-actions on K3 surfaces in positive characteristic. NAGOYA MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL. 2023. 249. 11-49
Yuya Matsumoto. μ_p- and α_p-actions on K3 surfaces in characteristic p. JOURNAL OF ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY. 2023. 32. 271-322
Yuya Matsumoto. Inseparable maps on W_n-valued Ext groups of non-taut rational double point singularities and the height of K3 surfaces. Journal of Commutative Algebra. 2023. 15. 3. 377-404
Yuya Matsumoto. Extendability of automorphisms of K3 surfaces. MATHEMATICAL RESEARCH LETTERS. 2023. 30. 3. 821-863
Yuya Matsumoto. Degeneration of K3 surfaces with non-symplectic automorphisms. RENDICONTI DEL SEMINARIO MATEMATICO DELLA UNIVERSITA DI PADOVA. 2023. 150. 227-245