Kunihiko Takamatsu, Kunisaki Tion, Kenya Bannaka, Katsuhiko Murakami, Takafumi Kirimura, Ryosuke Kozaki, Sayaka Matsumoto, Aoi Kishida, Hibiki Ito, Yasuhiro Kozaki, et al. Proposing a new field: Institutional Research (IR) Philosophy based on Eduinformatics - Bridging the Gap Between Practice and Theory in IR. IIAI Letters on Institutional Research. 2024. 4. LIR218. 1-12
Abduction, Abstract Degree and Urgency Matrix (ABDU-M) for Flexible/ Agile Higher Education Reform based on Eduinformatics
(7th International Conference WorldS4 2023 2023年8月 2023)
Recurrent Education in Higher Education Institutions for Clinical Laboratory Scientists who are Responsible for Ultrasonography Examination
(Institute of Applied Informatics (IIAI) 12th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI), International Conference on Data Science and Institutional Research (DSIR 2023) 2023)
A Two-Step Approach for Syllabus Development and Evaluation using Machine Learning such as Doc2Vec based on Eduinformatics: Advancements and Challenges in Adopting Rubrics for Grad-ing Criteria in Japanese Higher Education
(Institute of Applied Informatics (IIAI) 12th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI), International Conference on Data Science and Institutional Research (DSIR 2023) 2023)
2020/03 - 現在 International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, IIAI-AAI, 9th lnternational Conference on Data Science and Institutional Research (IIAI-AAI DSIR2020) Program Committee
2019/08 - 現在 International Journal of Institutional Research and Management (IJIRM) Associate Editor
2016/05 - 現在 日本赤十字看護学会誌 専任査読委員
2010/05 - 2021/04 神戸市長田区地域づくり活動助成公開企画提案会 審査員
2016/11 - 2021/03 神戸市長田区社会福祉協議会福祉活動助成選考委員会 選考委員
2010/05 - 2020/05 神戸市長田区区民まちづくり会議 委員
2019/03 - 2019/07 International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, IIAI-AAI, 8th lnternational Conference on Data Science and Institutional Research (IIAI-AAI DSIR2019) Program Committee
2016/05 - 2018/05 日本赤十字看護学会 評議員
受賞 (5件):
2024/12 - The 19th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems Best Paper Award A Novel Balanced Reporting Innovation with Data Governance Evolution (BRIDGE) Method: An Eduinformatics Integration of Creativity, Abduction and Organizational Knowledge Acceptance
2023/12 - The 15th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics(IIAI), International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI) Honorable Mention Award Proposing a new field: Institutional Research (IR) Philosophy based on Eduinformatics - Bridging the Gap Between Practice and Theory in IR
2020/12 - IEEE/International Institute of Applied Informatics (IIAI) International Congress on Applied Information Technology (AIT 2020) Outstanding Paper Award University Reform by Significant Other Groups in Eduinformatics
2019/11 - IEEE/International Institute of Applied Informatics (IIAI) International Congress on Applied Information Technology (AIT 2019) Best Paper Award Sustainability of Equal Evaluations Among Teachers of First-Year Students in Higher Education
2017/07 - IEEE/International Institute of Applied Informatics (IIAI) International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI) 6th International Conference on Data Science and Institutional Research (DSIR 2017) Outstanding Paper Award A New Way of Visualizing Curricula Using Competencies: Cosine Similarity, Multidimensional Scaling Methods, and Scatter Plotting
所属学会 (8件):
, 日本看護学教育学会
, 日本看護科学学会
, 日本老年看護学会
, Japan Red Cross Society of Nursing Science
, Japan Academy of Nursing Education
, Japan Academy of Nursing Science
, Japan Academy of Gerontological Nursing