2021 - 2024 Virtual Ryugaku: measuring iconicity in VR in relation to language acquisition and cross-cultural communication
論文 (9件):
Robert Anthony Olexa, Jeffrey S. Cross. Iconicity in VR: Experiences of Language Learning with Commercial VR Apps. International Journal In Information Technology In Governance, Education and Business. 2024. 6. 2. 15-30
May Kristine Jonson Carlon, Donn Emmanuel Gonda, Eden Mariquit Andrews, John Maurice Gayed, Robert Anthony Olexa, Jeffrey Scott Cross. Educational Nonlinear Stories with Twine. Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale. 2022. 248-251
奥崎真理子, オレクサロバート. Syllabus Design of Practical Science in English Based on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy. 全国高等学校英語教育学会. 2022. 41. 55-64
Robert Anthony Olexa, Sara Librenjak. A Microblog Corpus Using Tumblr for Understanding Japanese University Students’ EFL Writing. JALT CALL 2019: AI and Machine Learning in Language Education. Selected papers from the JALT CALL Conference. 2020. 139-151
Pose detection using an AI-based web application offers a novel approach to observing gesture use in second language learning.
(JALT CALL 2024: AI 2024)
Iconicity in Virtual Reality for Language Learning Survey
(JALT CALL 2024: AI 2024)
Surveying the Iconicity Ratings of Independent Language Learners in VR
(World Immersive Learning Labs Symposium 2024、Connected Realities: Bridging Cultures and Disciplines through Immersive Experiences, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan 2024)
Raising Awareness of the Benefits of Sustainability
(AOTULE 2023 University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka 2023)
Iconicity and Communication in VR for Language Learning
(Educators in VR VLanguages Meetup 2023)
2024/07 - Best Presentation at GEDES Workshop on Student Activities WILL 2024: Iconicity in VR for Language Learning Survey
2024/05 - Japanese Association of Language Teachers: Computer Assisted Language Learning SIG JALT CALL 2024: AI, Best Poster Award Iconicity in Virtual Reality for Language Learning Survey
2023/08 - Tokyo Institute of Technology 優秀プレゼンテーション賞 Virtual Ryugaku: Constraints of Naturalistic Language Learning in VR”
2023/08 - 東京工業大学:MISW 2023 優秀プレゼンテーション賞 Understanding Iconicity for Improving Language Learning in Virtual Reality
2017/05 - International Academic Forum JALT-IAFOR Scholarship Recipient