Marie NAKAMURA. "Creating Tourism Resources in World Heritage Sites:The Case of Ban Chiang Archaeological Site in Thailand". International Conference on Future of the Past:Tourism and Cultural Heritage in Asia. 2018
Marie NAKAMURA. "Community and Individuality: Sharing Memories about Relics in Ban Chiang". 13th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences (ICHUSO). 2017. 2572-2578
Marie NAKAMURA. "How Did Villagers Become Preservers of the World Heritage? The Case study of Ban Chiang Archaeological Site". Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Thai Studies. 2017. 1074-1085
中村 真里絵, Marie Nakamura, 国立民族学博物館, National Museum of Ethnology. 焼物職人の誕生 : タイ東北部農村地域の事例から. 多民族社会における宗教と文化 : 共同研究. 2015. 18. 37-48
Creating Solidarity among the Local People Living in an Archaeological Aite: The case of Ban Chiang in Northeast Thailand
(The IUAES 2019 Inter-Congress “World Solidarities” 2019)
Village Life in an Archaeological Site: Ban Chiang since 1960’s
(Japan Society for Southeast Asian Archaeology/268th Seminar Seminar on Ban Chiang, Thailand 2019)
Creating Tourism Resources in World Heritage Sites:The Case of Ban Chiang Archaeological Site in Thailand
(International Conference on Future of the Past:Tourism and Cultural Heritage in Asia 2018)