J-GLOBAL ID:201801001298986617
更新日: 2025年03月05日 大島 淳子
オオシマ ジュンコ | Junko Oshima
所属機関・部署: 職名:
Research Professor Emeritus
その他の所属(所属・部署名・職名) (1件): ホームページURL (2件): http://www.pathology.washington.edu/faculty/oshima
http://www.pathology.washington.edu/research/werner/registry/registry.html 研究キーワード (5件):
, 内科
, 老化
, ゲノム
, 遺伝学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (7件): - 2019 - 2025 Genetic and Non-Genetic Modulators of Morbidity/Disability Compression in aLarge Population-Based Study of Cognitive and Physical Impairment with Emphasis on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias
- 2021 - 2024 脂肪や血管組織老化に伴う機能変容における老化関連長鎖非コードRNAの基盤的研究
- 2016 - 2022 International Registry of Werner Syndrome
- 2017 - 2020 早老症の遺伝原因同定と、正常加齢への寄与の検索
- 2016 - 2018 Genetic Modulations of Morbidity Compression:A Population-Based Study
- 2012 - 2018 International Registry of Werner Syndrome
- 2015 - 2017 Nathan Shock Center Storage of NLTCS Biospecimens
論文 (133件): -
Tetta Sato, Yoshiro Maezawa, Hisaya Kato, Mayumi Shoji, Yukari Maeda, Hiyori Kaneko, Kazuto Aono, Yoshitaka Kubota, Toshibumi Taniguchi, Toshiyuki Oshitari, et al. For early diagnosis of young patients with Werner syndrome: Indication for genetic testing. Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 2025
Kazuto Aono, Masaya Koshizaka, Mayumi Shoji, Hiyori Kaneko, Yukari Maeda, Hisaya Kato, Yoshiro Maezawa, Makoto Miyabayashi, Mai Ishikawa, Akiko Sekiguchi, et al. Less frequent skin ulcers among patients with Werner syndrome treated with pioglitazone: findings from the Japanese Werner Syndrome Registry. Aging. 2024. 16
Danny E Miller, Lin Lee, Miranda Galey, Renuka Kandhaya-Pillai, Marc Tischkowitz, Deepak Amalnath, Avadh Vithlani, Koutaro Yokote, Hisaya Kato, Yoshiro Maezawa, et al. Targeted long-read sequencing identifies missing pathogenic variants in unsolved Werner syndrome cases. Journal of medical genetics. 2022. 59. 11. 1087-94
Renuka Kandhaya-Pillai, Deyin Hou, Jiaming Zhang, Xiaomeng Yang, Goli Compoginis, Takayasu Mori, Tamara Tchkonia, George M Martin, Fuki M Hisama, James L Kirkland, et al. SMAD4 mutations and cross-talk between TGF-β/IFNγ signaling accelerate rates of DNA damage and cellular senescence, resulting in a segmental progeroid syndrome-the Myhre syndrome. GeroScience. 2021. 43. 3. 1481-1496
Junko Oshima, George M Martin, Fuki M Hisama. Werner Syndrome. GeneReviews. 2021
もっと見る MISC (7件): -
B. Saha, G. Zitnik, S. Johnson, Q. Nguyen, G. M. Martin, J. Oshima. TRF2 Degradation and DNA Damage Accumulation in LMNA Mutant Atypical Werner Syndrome Fibroblasts. IN VITRO CELLULAR & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY-ANIMAL. 2012. 48. 48-48
J Oshima, A Garg, GM Martin, BK Kennedy. LMNA mutations in atypical Werner's syndrome - Reply. LANCET. 2003. 362. 9395. 1586-1586
MJ Moser, J Oshima, RJ Monnat. WRN mutations in Werner syndrome (vol 13, pg 271, 1998). HUMAN MUTATION. 1999. 14. 1. 84-85
- L Ye, T Miki, J Nakura, J Oshima, A Morishima, H Rakugi, H Ikegami, J Higaki, D Edland, M Martin, et al. A polymorphic variant of Werner syndrome gene (WRN) association with myocardial infarction (MI) in Japanese population. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS. 1997. 61. 4. A301-A301
L Ye, T Miki, J Nakura, J Oshima, K Kamino, H Rakugi, H Ikegami, J Higaki, SD Edland, GM Martin, et al. Rapid publication: Association of a polymorphic variant of the Werner helicase gene with myocardial infarction in a Japanese population (vol 68, pg 494, 1997). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS. 1997. 70. 1. 103-103
もっと見る 講演・口頭発表等 (18件): -
The Spectrum of WRN Mutations in Werner Syndrome Patients
(日本老年医学会 2021)
Genetics of Aging: Molecular Mechanisms of Progeroid Syndromes”
(Seminars in Medical Sciences Series, 2019)
Genetics of Aging: Molecular Mechanisms of Progeroid Syndromes
(Leading Seminar, Chiba University 2019)
International Registry of Werner Syndrome: Search for progeroid syndrome mutations and mechanisms
(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting “Mechanism of Aging”. 2018)
International Registry of Werner Syndrome: Search for progeroid syndrome mutations and mechanisms
(International Meeting on RECQ Helicases and Related Diseases 2018, 2018)
もっと見る 学歴 (3件): - 1986 - 1992 ボストン大学医学部 大学院博士課程 生化学部
- 1978 - 1984 筑波大学 医学専門学群
- 1975 - 1978 長野県立長野高等学校
学位 (2件): - Ph. D. (Department of Biochemistry, Boston University School of Medicine)
- M. D. (筑波大学医学専門学群)
経歴 (13件): - 2016/08/01 - ワシントン大学医学部 病理部 名誉教授
- 2015/12/01 - 千葉大学大学院医学研究院 イノベーション医学 特任教授
- 2013/07/01 - 2015/07/31 ワシントン大学医学部 病理部 教授
- 2001/06/01 - 2013/06/30 ワシントン大学医学部 病理部 准教授
- 1996/03/01 - 2001/05/31 ワシントン大学医学部 病理部 助教授
- 1992/05/01 - 1996/02/29 ワシントン大学医学部 病理部 フェロー
- 1990/11/01 - 1992/04/30 カリフォルニア州立大学バークレー校 ローレンスバークレー研究所 研究員
- 1986/09/01 - 1992/04/30 ボストン大学医学部 大学院博士課程, 生化学専攻 大学院生
- 1987/09/01 - 1990/10/31 ボストン大学医学部 生化学 研究員
- 1985/06/01 - 1986/07/31 国立医療センター 医員
- 1984/06/01 - 1985/05/31 ハーバード大学医学部ベスイスラエル病院 総合医学科 フェロー
- 1984/04/01 - 1984/05/31 筑波大学附属病院 医員
- 1978/04/01 - 1984/03/01 筑波大学 医学専門学群 学生
委員歴 (19件): - 2006/01 - 現在 American Federation for Aging Research, New York, NY National Scientific Advisory
- 2021/04 - NIH study section, NIH NIA ZAG1 LRP
- 2020/04 - NIH study section, NIH NIA ZAG1 LRP
- 2019/05 - NIH study section NIH NIA ZAG1 ZIJ-4 (M5) LRP
- 2018/10 - NIH study section NIH NIA ZAG1 ZIJ-G (J4) PPG
- 2018/06 - AMED Reviewer
- 2018/05 - NIH study section NIH NIA ZAG1 ZIJ-G (O2) PPG
- 2018/05 - NIH study section NIH NIA ZAG1 ZIJ-4 (M2) LRP
- 2017/05 - NIH study section NIH NIA ZAG1 ZIJ-4 (M2) LRP
- 2016/04 - NIH study section NIH NIA ZAG1 ZAI1 AWA-M(S1) LRP
- 2007/02 - 2015/05 Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, Elsevier, London Editorial Board
- 2015/04 - NIH study section NIH NIA ZAG1 ZIJ-2 (M2) LRP
- 2013/10 - NIH study section NIA ZAG1 SRC(99) PPG
- 2013/04 - NIH study section NIH NIA ZAG1 ZIJ-2 (A1) LRP
- 2011/07 - Frontiers in Genetics of Aging, Switzerland Associate Editorial Board,
- 2001/01 - 2010/05 TheScienceWorldJournal, San Diego, CA Editorial Board
- 2009/07 - NIH study section ZRG1 BDA-B (10) SBIR/STTR
- 2004/07 - NIH study section NIA-B CMAD Cellular Mechanism of Aging and Development
- 1998/03 - NIH study section NIA-B CMAD Cellular Mechanism of Aging and Development
受賞 (1件): - 1999 - アメリカ老年学会 ネイサン・ショック若手研究者賞