Masaaki Ito, Yuichiro Tsukada, Jun Watanabe, Yosuke Fukunaga, Yasumitsu Hirano, Kazuhiro Sakamoto, Hiroki Hamamoto, Masanori Yoshimitsu, Hisanaga Horie, Nobuhisa Matsuhashi, et al. Long-term survival and functional outcomes of laparoscopic surgery for clinical stage I ultra-low rectal cancers located within 5 cm of the anal verge: A prospective phase II trial (Ultimate trial). Annals of surgery. 2024
Takeru Matsuda, Ichiro Takemasa, Hideki Endo, Shinichiro Mori, Suguru Hasegawa, Koya Hida, Takuya Tokunaga, Keitaro Tanaka, Toshiki Mukai, Jun Watanabe, et al. Local Recurrence of Rectal Cancer After Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision and Risk Factors: A Nationwide Multicenter Cohort Study in Japan. Annals of surgery open : perspectives of surgical history, education, and clinical approaches. 2024. 5. 1. e369