Hideto Uchida, Hideki Mukoyoshi, Satoshi Tonai, Masakatsu Yamaguchi, Kenta Kobayashi. Reactivation of minor faults in a blind active fault area: A case study of the aftershock area of the 2000 Western Tottori Earthquake, Japan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X. 2021. 5. 100053-100053
Lisa McNeill, Brandon Dugan, Katerina Petronotis, Kitty Milliken, Jane Francis, Jan Backman, Kevin Pickering, Hugo Pouderoux, Timothy Henstock, Farid Chemale, et al. Late Miocene wood recovered in Bengal-Nicobar submarine fan sediments by IODP Expedition 362. Scientific Drilling. 2020. 27. 49-52