Koji Morita, Wei Liu, Tatsumi Arima, Yuji Arita, Isamu Sato, Haruaki Matsuura, Yoshihiro Sekio, Hiroshi Sagara, Masatoshi Kawashima. Development of a Passive Reactor Shutdown Device to Prevent Core Disruptive Accidents in Fast Reactors: A Study on Device Specifications. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. 2023. 9. 4
Koji Morita, Wei Liu, Tatsumi Arima, Yuji Arita, Isamu Sato, Haruaki Matsuura, Yoshihiro Sekio, Hiroshi Sagara, Masatoshi Kawashima. Development of a Passive Reactor Shutdown Device to Prevent Core Disruptive Accidents in Fast Reactors: A Preliminary Study. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. 2023. 9. 2
Hidetsugu Nishikawa, Masayuki Takeuchi, Toru Kitagaki, Akinori Inoue, Isamu Sato. Evaluation of mechanical cutting for disassembly of fast reactor fuel assemblies. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. 2022. 1-12
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Naoya Miyahara, Shuhei Miwa, Mélany Gouëllo, Junpei Imoto, Naoki Horiguchi, Isamu Sato, Masahiko Osaka. Experimental study on transport behavior of cesium iodide in the reactor coolant system under LWR severe accident conditions. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. 2020. 57. 12. 1287-1296