Keisuke Komatsuya, Masaki Ishikawa, Norihito Kikuchi, Tetsuya Hirabayashi, Ryo Taguchi, Naomasa Yamamoto, Morio Arai, Kohji Kasahara. Integrin-Dependent Transient Density Increase in Detergent-Resistant Membrane Rafts in Platelets Activated by Thrombin. Biomedicines. 2023. 12. 1. 69-69
Yuki Kobayashi, Keisuke Komatsuya, Sousuke Imamura, Tomoyoshi Nozaki, Yoh-ichi Watanabe, Shigeharu Sato, Antony N. Dodd, Kiyoshi Kita, Kan Tanaka. Coordination of apicoplast transcription in a malaria parasite by internal and host cues. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2023. 120. 28
Mitochondria of Malaria Parasites as a Drug Target
IntechOpen 2015
講演・口頭発表等 (14件):
Signal Trunsduction of GPI-anchored NB-3 in Ganglioside GD1b Lipid Rafts of Cerebellar Granule Cells
(GlycoNeuro Symposium 2023)
Signal Trunsduction of GPI-anchored NB-3 in Ganglioside GD1b Lipid Rafts of Cerebellar Granule Cells
(Glyco26 International Symposium on Glycoconjugates 2023)