K. Obunai, K. Okubo. Mechanical characteristics of reclaimed carbon fibre under superheated steam atmosphere and its feasibility for remanufacturing CFRP/CFRTP. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2024. 176. 107843-107843
Taku Kamiya, Kiyotaka Obunai PhD, Kazuya Okubo. Change of Relative Local Velocity in Pulley Groove at Sliding between Belt and Pulleys for Metal Pushing V-Belt Type CVT. SAE Technical Paper Series. 2023
村山 凌太郎, 小武内 清貴, 大窪 和也. 炭素繊維/樹脂間の界面接着せん断強度に及ぼす繊維表面のサイジング処理効果の負荷ひずみ速度の違いによる変化-Change in Effects of Sizing Treatment on Interfacial Shear Strength between Carbon Fiber and Resin According to Difference of Loading Strain Rate. 日本接着学会誌 = Journal of the Adhesion Society of Japan : adhesion. 2023. 59. 3. 65-72
Ryotaro Murayama, Kiyotaka Obunai, Kazuya Okubo. Effect of sub-micron glass fiber addition on CAI strength of UD-CFRP. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements. 2022. 10. 3. 271-281
Kazunobu MIYATANI, Kazuya OKUBO, Kiyotaka OBUNAI, Atsushi MINEMURA, Kota OGURA, Yuki MORIMOTO. Energy absorption ratio of pre-addition of cellulose nanofibers into matrix of uni-directional CFRP under out of plane impact loading by drop weight. 2024