Takamitsu Hadano. Agents, multilateral institutions, and fundamental institutional change in international society: The case of Russia’s peacekeeping policy. European Journal of International Security. 2024. 9. 1. 78-96
Takamitsu HADANO. Multipolarity and the Future of Multilateralism: Towards ‘Thick’ Peacekeeping in the Donbas Conflict. Global Policy. 2020. 11. 2. 212-221
Takamitsu HADANO. Review Article: The Quest for ‘Global International Relations’: Where Will It Lead Us?. 国際公共政策論集. 2020. 42. 19-26
Takamitsu HADANO. ‘Action for Peacekeeping (A4P)’, Political Will and Reform of the UN Security Council. 筑波法政. 2019. 78. 65-76
Peacekeeping in International Society: An English School Approach
(European International Studies Association, 14th Pan-European Conference on International Relations 2021)
Regional Security and Peacebuilding in Northeast Asia
(The 19th Trilateral East Asian Seminar on the United Nations System 2019)