Yosuke Washiya. From bricoleur to carver - A methodological provocation from video ethnographic inquiry. Visual Studies. 2023
Blurring the lines: A novice approach to riding on water. The Ethnographic Edge. 2023. 6. 1. 73-87
Yosuke Washiya. Techniques without Names - Methodological Provocations from a Judo Dojo. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health. 2021. 1-15
Digital Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise
Routledge 2017
講演・口頭発表等 (24件):
Audio-visual inquiry in sport & physical culture
(North American Society for the Sociology of Sport 2024)
Working between the Artistic and Academic
(9th International Conference for Qualitative Research in Sport Exercise, University of Bath, UK 2024)
Thinking about ecology: From traditional hunting/foraging of northern Japan
(Littérature et écologie Colloque International 2024)
In Between the Academic and Artistic - Opportunities from fieldwork
(Seminar Series, Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy, University of British Columbia 2024)
Subtractive inquiry - Methodological discussions from the far east, martial arts and physical culture
(Durham University Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences research seminar 2022)
2016/09 - 2017/05 Trent University Department of Sociology Lecturer
委員歴 (2件):
2024/04 - 2026/03 日本スポーツ社会学会 国際交流委員会委員
2017/04 - 2019/03 日本スポーツ社会学会 国際交流委員会委員
受賞 (2件):
2016 - International Contemporary Ethnography Across the Disciplines Association Graduate Paper Award “Thin description” - Ontological provocation of ethnographic film
2014 - International Sociology of Sport Association Graduate paper award "7 days in Srebrenica: Seeking the reality of playing together in post conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina"
所属学会 (5件):
International Society of Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise
, Contemporary Ethnography Across the Disciplines
, 北米スポーツ社会学会
, 国際スポーツ社会学会
, スポーツ社会学会