2024 - 2027 Implementing the Virtual Reality Technique in Cross-Cultural Social Skills Training
2019 - 2023 Public Speaking Phobia Reduction for Japanese University Students through Virtual Reality-based Training and Exposure to Simulated Audiences
胡安琪, ブルノティ ジョシュ. Vicarious Contact and the Effects on English as a Foreign Language Attitudes and Intercultural Communication Apprehension in Japanese University Students. Thailand TESOL Conference Proceedings 2024. 2024. 43. 37-52
ブルノティ ジョシュ. Reducing public speaking anxiety in university students through therapeutic and technology-based interventions. MindBrainEd Journal - The JALT Mind, Brain and Education SIG. 2023. 4. 5-35
ワイル・クリス, 片岡由美子, ブルノティ・ジョシュ. Teacher and Student Perspectives of Online Learning During the COVID Pandemic. The Journal of the School of Foreign Studies (Language and Literature) - Aichi Prefectural University. 2023. 55. 143-161
ブルノティ・ジョシュ, 高井次郎. Imaginal and virtual reality-based public speaking practice for communicating with intercultural audiences. Intercultural Communication Studies. 2022. 31. 2. 6-28
ブルノティジョシュ. Be in this classroom now: Teaching mindfulness from a scientific perspective. MindBrainEd Think Tank+ - Bulletin of the JALT Mind, Brain, and Education SIG. 2021. 7. 11. 25-32
Interactions between Sleep, Stress and Classroom Behaviours in University Students. In D. Elliot (Ed.), Teaching and Learning English in Japanese Classrooms: Teachers' Perspectives (pp. 219-246)
Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2023 ISBN:1527501663
講演・口頭発表等 (35件):
Exploring Methods for Reducing Public Speaking Anxiety in University Students Through Psychotherapy and Technology-based Activities
(The IAFOR International Conference on Arts & Humanities 2025)
Vicarious contact for reducing intercultural communication apprehension and English-speaking anxiety: Short-term and long-term effects
(The 43rd Thailand TESOL International Conference 2024 2024)
2012/10 - 2014/10 College and University Educators Special Interest Group (CUE SIG), JALT Membership Chair
受賞 (3件):
2019 - 名古屋大学 ストゥディウムゲネラーレ Best Speaker Award (Fall 2018 Semester) Perceived Stress and Sleep Quality Among Japanese University Students
2018/11 - 全国語学教育学会 Best of JALT Award (Gifu Chapter)
2012 - Member Support Conference Grant
所属学会 (3件):
Creating Connections Conference Board
, Mixed, Augmented and Virtual Realities Special Interest Group (MAVR SIG)
, The Japan Association for Language Teaching