Kudo, S, Kiyota, A, Moriya, R, Matsumura, K. Frequent and challenging tasks for learners in English-Medium Instruction courses: A questionnaire survey for English majors. 早稲田教育評論. 2024. 38. 1. 77-90
Ryo Moriya. Perezhivanie and social situations of collectividual development: Advising in L2 learning as Vygotskian praxis. Doctoral Dissertation (Waseda University). 2024
Head, E, Hayasaki, A, Moriya, R. Introduction to The Learner Development Journal Issue 7: Challenging the conventions of learner development research. The Learner Development Journal. 2023. 7. 2-10
Head, E, Hayasaki, A, Moriya, R. The LDJ7 editorial team reflect on The Learner Development Journal 7, “Challenging the Conventions of Learner Development Research”. Learning Learning. 2023. 30. 2. 64-68
English as a Lingua Franca in Japan: Towards multilingual practices
Palgrave Macmillan 2020 ISBN:9783030332877
講演・口頭発表等 (47件):
Implementing open dialogue advising and reflecting as praxis
(The Japan Association for Self-Access Learning 2024 Annual Conference 2024)
An exploration of language teacher perezhivanie through recurrent restorying: Tracing and understanding professional development in Japan
(The 21st International Association of Applied Linguistics World Congress 2024)
, East Asia SCT Group
, 外国語教育メディア学会
, 言語文化教育研究学会
, 国際混合研究法学会
, 日本混合研究法学会
, 日本自律学習学会
, Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning Research Working Group
, 日本質的心理学会
, 早稲田大学英語英文学会
, 早稲田日本語教育学会
, 日本語教育学会